Friday 2 September 2011

Country Girl and Raspberry Jam

Hi guys!

Here comes my first food blog! OMG I LOVE FOOD!! Sometimes I wish I had gone down a different path and become a chef! I love love love baking sweet sweet things! if I am ever bored i always manage to cook something up from things lurking on our shelves!

My Nan has been going on about a farm 15 minutes away from my home that grows crops that you can pick yourself and then weight and buy, she said that I should join her when the weather gets better.

So today she invited my Mom and me to this farm that grew onions, beans, raspberries, strawberries, cabbages, carrots and also had a warehouse full of local fresh meat and dairy produce!

We spent 3 long long hours picking beans (didnt realise there was a technique for picking beans), raspberrys, onions and cabbages! We ended up having a carrier bag rammed with beans, 2 huge punnets of raspberries, a massive net bag full of huge bulging onions, one cabbage (who needs more than one cabbage ew!) and we purchased some organic eggs ALL FOR 7 POUND !! SEVVVENNNN POUND! I seriously could not believe it!

Me and momma bear picking beans.

Me and Gramps loving the sunshine :)

We went to the super market after to pick up a few bits and peices and realised how expensive fruit and veg is there! A punnet of 150g of raspberries was £2, but we managed to get at least 1kg for under £2!!

We will definately be visiting the farm more often and i honestly recommend using these farms for your fruit and veg! i live on the boundary between the city and the countryside so I have the best of both worlds, 10 minutes driving one way I have The city centre and ten minutes in the opposite direction and i have green fields, cute little pubs and villages. This place was only 15 minutes away, so worth it! We bought at least a months worth of veg for 7 pound!

When we got home I looked up a recipe for raspberry jam as we had bought scones and clotted cream at the market.
1) I washed and heated 450g of raspberries in a saucepan for 2 minutes, then added 450g of granulated sugar and heated this for another 2 minutes.

2) Then I turned  the heat up full for 10 minutes to boil the fruit.

3) I then put a saucer into the freezer for 5 minutes to chill and also put 2 jam jars into the oven at 170 degrees to sterilise.

4) After about 12 minutes of bioling I took a spoonfull of jam from the saucpan and dabbed puddles onto the cold saucer. After a few minutes the jam should form a skin on top when you poke it with your finger. If it doesnt, biol it for another2/3 minutes until this skin does form (dont forget to put your saucer back in the freezer!)

5) i then spooned the jam into the jars (USING OVEN MITS!!)  and left to cool and set for a few hours

Here is my lovely yummy end result :)

Bye all Im off to stuff my face with jam scones :D

K x